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Email Strategy

Table of Contents

  1. System
  2. Introduction
  3. Functions

1. System

I have two tables:
  1. Situations
  2. Locations

The locations table keeps track of all the places where I have an email address. Or types of location, such as customer address books. The locations need to be accessed when I change my email.

2. Introduction

This document outlines my method of managing my email addresses to prevent spam. There are really just 4 situations:

1. Blind
  2. Websites - trusted/permanent
  3. Websites - untrusted/temporary
  4. Handout

The handout and temporary website address are the only two that need to be changed.

3. Functions

The function name will be the same as the situation. Eg: Handout situation will be called HandoutAddrx. The "Addrx" code means Email Address function. This provides a quick means of searching for ALL the places in the system that are accessing one of the email addresses. This will allow me to review them.

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