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Anti Spam Setup
Note: The service described in this document is not yet in operation, as of 2003 April.

This document tells you how to set up anti-spam services on a given domain. I use "" as an example. The basic idea is to set up one more mail account called "", and then click the "Anti-spam" filter for any mail account in your domain that wants to use the service. Here are the detailed steps:

1. Log into Merek Admin

2. Push the "New User" link

3. Fill in the first two sections of the new User form, and then push the Save User button:

  Alias: spam
  Password: mypassword
  Confirm: mypassword
  Name: Spam Account
  Mailbox Path: Empty=Default [x] Bivouac\mail\spam

4. In the administrator, open up your own account, and click the checkbox beside "Anti-Spam" filter.

  [x] Anti Spam
At the same time, click on the Anti-spam link itself, and you can add any email addresses you want to the list. Just put in the email address, with a "1:" in front of it. The format is shown below:
Most people only use the 1: feature. However, you can specifically "blacklist" some spammer who might add themselves, and then there is nothing they can do. To blacklist an address, just put a 0: in front of it. Below is an example:

5. Seeing Unverified Senders in the Spam Account Any unverified mail goes into the spam account for your domain. If you want, you can inspect the spam account at any time simply by logging into it and seeing what is there.

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